Saturday, November 24, 2007

#16 Wiki Wiki Nudge Nudge Wink Wink

Wiki's - what can I say? Brilliant if you want to believe everything you read and couldn't be bothered researching your topic. I LOVE Wikipedia, in any language. I've made many contributions to wiki's - you can trust me, I have a degree! If it's on the net, it's gospel.

Seriously (for once), they are a good idea as long as they are not abused. Like most things on the information super highway it is open to abuse. I think it is a good idea in the work environment where new ideas need to be communicated to a large number of people; then feedback can be given and everyone's views can be known and considered. A better way to go than emails that are ignored and deleted. As long as people are constructive and have a valid point of view, I mean, I wouldn't encourage anyone to do a Harriet or anything..... except maybe Harriet, of if she could resist......

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