Monday, October 15, 2007

#14 Harriet's more glitterati than technorati

When I did a key word search on Learning 2.0 in Technorati I was inundated with 26,428 blog posts! The same search of blogs threw up 694...PHEW! A much more manageable number.
I did spot Senorita Laura on the LibraryBytes page - library people do get out there in cyberspace don't they? If we're not careful they just may take over, if they haven't already...
What do I think of technorati? Again, far more information than I REALLY need to know, but now I know it's there.

Harriet is finding out just how much activity there is out there in blog land, but really would prefer shopping on the High Street, which is what went on, pants, skirts, tops...the works. As much as I like this blogging thing there's nothing like a three course meal, glass of wine and an afternoon of shopping!


Anonymous said...

Dear Harriet,
I must admit that I have been reading the list of recommended Learning 2.0 blogs with a slight tinge of green and a certain amount of pouting, as some of the time I don't see why these particular ones have been recommended so highly - however not this one! Your blog is a joy to read - you write very well (you should write a book!) and I love the way you tie in text and image - truly Web 2.0. Congrats!

Harriet Cracknell said...

Dear anonymous,

how gratifying it is to find a kindred spirit! Thank you sincerely for your kind comments. One day I do hope to find my own book on the library shelves!

Bless, Harriet.

Anonymous said...

Dear Harriet

Would you by any chance have once made the acquaintance of Norman and Brenda?

If so, they send their regards.

Harriet Cracknell said...

Dear reticent one,

...hmmm, I did know a Norman once; lovely chap, but he did have some peculiar habits! He had an odd walk; could have had something to do with wearing his trousers a little too tightly! As for Brenda, view of the unfortunate ahem, shall we say 'incident', we should just leave that well alone I think. Don't you dear?

Cheerio, Harriet

Bespectacled blonde said...

Dear Harriet,
I have just been checking out your blog after it being recommended by the Learning 2.0 head honchos and I love it - very clever & gorgeous pic!

Anonymous said...

Hey Harri

Since this IS the best blog I would like you to continue telling us about your hard drinking and partying ways and not the usual learning stuff(I can get that from other blogs). Since my partying days are over I want to live through you so keep Partying!

Zoya said...

Hey Harri

Where is all the swinging and partying stuff. Thats what I want to read not the learning stuff, I can get that from other blogs. Give me the juicy details. Since I have stopped my partying ways I want to hear all about yours. So get to it.

And yes this is the best blog. (No big head now!)