Friday, September 28, 2007

#7 Got the film back!

Sorry it's taken so long, but I haven't had a chance to take my film into Boots for a week. Here are the shots from our fun fashion parade. The oldies loved it. Shame David Bailey wasn't on hand to do the shoot! These ones turned out rather well! It's such a long process;waiting a week for a film to be developed. Some clever chap should invent a camera that let's you see the images straight away so you can toss them if they're no good. We went through rolls and rolls of film. Anyways...these are my favorites. Until later....ciao.

Amazing how far technology has come. From old film roles to instant uploading of photos to your pc. Now back in the the day we had polaroid instant cameras, but NOTHING like today's capabilities. I have to say though, I do miss flicking through photo albums, even if digital storage takes up a lot less shelf space. We used to have slide nights, where everyone would gather round with finger food and drinks. It was a party! Now we email photos to each other, and talk less. We don't talk to each other as much, we type to each other! H

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